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What Does a Country’s Credit Downgrade Mean?
A country’s credit downgrade happens when a credit rating agency, like Moody’s, Fitch, or Standard & Poor’s (the big three), decides that a country is less [Read More]
Using Life Insurance to Create Intergenerational Wealth
Have you ever wondered how some families maintain their intergenerational wealth? What’s their secret sauce? The answer may lie in using life insurance to establish a [Read More]
A Guide to Managing Your Finances with Accountability
For some people, managing their finances may feel like walking on a tightrope, juggling endless expenses. But with accountability, you can turn managing money into a [Read More]
6 Budget Revision Ideas for Empty Nesters
After years of seemingly endless school events, grocery bills that could feed an army, and the hustle and bustle of family life, your house has suddenly [Read More]
The Greatest Money Making Asset For Working Teens
In this article, we explore why a Roth IRA is one of the greatest money making assets for working teens. When working teens invest early in [Read More]
Holiday Season Deplete Your Savings? Here’s How to Recover
If you’re like many, overspending during the holiday season may deplete your savings. It is important for you to recover your savings so you’re financially prepared [Read More]
Could Inflation Be a Friend and Not a Foe?
When inflation increases, people often feel the sting of paying more for groceries, gas, and almost everything else. Many may feel inflation is terrible because their [Read More]
How Pets Could Impact Your Taxes
Many view pets as part of their family and essential to their happiness and mental health. Pets can be an added expense as they may need [Read More]
How Debt Holds Families Back from Financial Confidence
Debt can hinder financial confidence when you spend more than you make and borrow using credit. Other financial problems may occur, such as inadequate emergency or [Read More]
10 Actions That Help You Pursue Financial Wellness
Establishing financial wellness is a personal, ever-changing state of being that enables one to exercise choice while feeling in control of finances. The individual determines financial [Read More]
When Can You Collect Social Security?
Knowing the situations and critical ages of when to start Social Security benefits is essential. The age when you start to collect social security benefits impacts [Read More]
Why Wealth Management Is Important for Women
Today, women control a third of household assets one major reason why wealth management is important. But by 2030, U.S. women are expected to control much [Read More]
Social Security COLA May Be Less in 2024
For 2023, Social Security Retirement and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits increased due to inflation. The increase was 8.7%, resulting in an average monthly benefit increase [Read More]
6 Tips to Help You Save on Summer Travel
If you love to travel, summer is a great time to do so and have new experiences near home or far away. As you plan, remember [Read More]
National Financial Freedom Day: 10 Tips to Work Toward Financial Freedom
National Financial Freedom Day is observed each year on July 1ST. This holiday raises awareness about financial freedom and how it may improve your financial stability. Financial [Read More]
Insurance Awareness Day: Time to Assess Your Risk
Insurance Awareness Day, recognized on June 28th, is a great time to review your insurance coverage and assess your risk. Insurance is a means of protecting [Read More]
Smart Ways to Prepare for Next Year’s Taxes
The financial decisions you make between now and the end of the year can significantly impact how much taxes you will have to pay once tax [Read More]
Strategies to Help Your Kids Save for Retirement
Helping your kids save for retirement starts with financial education and discussing the importance of saving for their future. But, besides financial education, there are strategies [Read More]